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Parish Life At St Joseph's

Welcome to our vibrant parish community! At St Joseph's Catholic Church, we offer a rich spiritual life with regular Masses, where all are invited to worship and grow in faith. We celebrate the Sacraments, including Baptism, First Communion, Reconciliation, Confirmation, and Marriage, to help nurture your spiritual journey. Our various ministries and groups provide opportunities for fellowship, service, and spiritual development, whether through our youth program, outreach efforts, or adult faith formation. There are many ways to get involved, and we invite you to share your talents and time to help strengthen our parish family. Join us as we grow in faith and live out our mission together!

Discover Where You Fit In

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Mass Times

Have a look at our Mass schedule to see what times you can join in our worship.



Read an explanation about each of the seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church and find resources to help you on your faith journey.


Ministries & Groups

Browse through all the ministries and groups we have in our Parish and discover where you can fit in.


Get Involved

Enroll in our Parish community today!

Volunteer to serve in one of our liturgical ministries or fill out a 'Time and Talents' sheet to help our parish.


Liturgical Rosters

If you are serving in a liturgical ministry in our Parish, please check out the online rosters for both the Saturday Vigil and Sunday morning Masses for the next six months.


Sacramental Programme

Learn more about our Parish's Sacramental Programme and how to join by reading through the page below.


Nourish Your Faith

Do you want to grow deeper in your faith? Are you interested in finding some great resources to help get you on the path? If so, please look at what we offer on our Nourish Your Faith page for St Joseph's Parish.



If you are planning a funeral for a recently deceased loved one, please browse through the information below to help guide you through this process.

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