Parish Publications and Documents
Pastoral Plan
(2021 - 2023)
Our Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Priest are currently working on drafting a new Pastoral Plan for St Joseph's. This plan will guide our parish through the next several years. All parishioners will be asked to express their opinions to guide us along this road. We will keep you informed as we progress.
Have a read of our 2021-2023 Pastoral Plan to learn more about the direction our Parish has been headed over the past few years.
Our vision is "A Community Radiating the Light of Christ".
Te Rōpū Tautoko
Te Ropu Tautoko is the group coordinating Catholic engagement with the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care.
With the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care having completed its work, the work of Te Ropu Tautoko has concluded. However, efforts to respond to reports of abuse and to strengthen safeguarding practices continue.
Te Ropu Tautoko thank all those who have contributed to the work of responding to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care and join with the bishops and congregational leaders in hoping that the Inquiry's report and the work that flows from it will result in a better society and a safer environment for all people.
For more information about the work of Te Ropu Tautoko, click on the link below.